- Certification of Documents
- Assignment of Rights
- Arbitration
- Constitution of Civil and Commercial Businesses
- Constitution of Condominium Property Rights and Regulations
- Property Subdivision and Joining
- Donations
- Escrituracion de Bienes Inmuebles
- Acts of Faith
- Constitution of Fideicomisos
- Mediation
- Notarial Notifications
- General and Specific Powers of Attorney
- Certification of Commercial Documents
- Insure that documents sucha as bylaws of companies,wills, deeds, powers of attorne, realestate purchases and establishments of trusts do not include any legal inconsistencies
- Intervene in Judicial Proceedings
- Last Wills and Testaments
- Protocolize Public Deeds
Note that a Mexican Notario Publico must charge based on an established fee schedule
- Percentages range from .015% to 1.12%, of the cost of the transaction. In some cases fees can reach hundreds of U.S. dollars.